Newsportal - Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Ion implantation for the modification of materials
Those range from the widespread doping pf semiconductors such as the doping of Silicon with Boron or Phosphorus, the generation of defects or buried layers and structures, the functionalizing of photonic layers by implanting optical active rare earth elements like Erbium, the production of magnetic clusters by the implantation of magnetic ions like Cobalt, investigations of radiation hardness and radiation induced failures of electronic components and many more. By choosing ion species. Ion energy and fluence variable conditions can be accomplished.
At the RUBION laboratory four accelerators are available for ion implantation:
The 4 MV Dynamitron-Tandem accelerator allows the implantation of almost all elements of the periodic table with energies of a few 100 keV up to several MeV. Exemptions are here the noble gases from which only Helium can be accelerated. Ion beam intensities of a few nA up to 50 µA can be achieved depending on the ion species.
The 100 kV accelerator provides ion energies between a few keV up to 100 keV. The available ions and ion beam intensities are the same as at the tandem except that here Helium cannot be implanted also.
The 500 keV accelerator allows to implant by default protons, noble gases, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen with energies between 40 keV and 500 keV. The ion beam intensities are here considerably larger and can be up to several 100 µA.
An 60 keV implanter, installed in our radionuclide laboratories allows to implant the radioactive 32P. This accelerator is used at present for research projects in the field of life science.
Besides the implantation for research The RUBION offers also comercial implantation on a lager scale. For more information see