Newsportal - Ruhr-Universität Bochum
PIXE - Particle Induced X-Ray Emission
The interaction of an ion beam with a material can result in the ionization of the atoms of the material. PIXE is based on the detection of the X rays following the ionization of the atoms of the sample. These X rays are a unique characteristic of the interacting elements and their detection enables the identification of the target elements.
PIXE is a least-destructive technique and one of the few that provides multi-elemental quantitative analysis, since the determination of the concentrations of any element from sodium to uranium is achieved through a single measurement. In addition, PIXE is ideal for trace element analysis as it is characterized of high sensitivity, which in certain cases can reach levels of the order of a few parts per million (ppm).
In RUBION microanalysis and elemental mapping in the scale of a few μm are also possible. The accuracy and the sensitivity of the measurements are enhanced by using a high-performance Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) that combines high energy resolution (129 eV at 5.9 keV) and large detection area (70 mm²).