Newsportal - Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Our mission
On wednesday, 17.07.2024 from 07:00 am - 10:00 am will find maintenance work on the ventilation system in the RUBION-Radionuclides department (building part NI). This is associated with a failure of the supply air. The control area will be closed during this time. Please take this in mind when planning your experiments.
Once again, the RUBION opened its doors for this year's Girl's Day and gave two 8th grade students, Carolin and Eliane, an insight into the research taking place at RUBION.
The two got an impression of what it's like to be a scientist, were able to take a look at the particle accelerator and then put their hidden talents to the test by microscoping brain cells.
We are already looking forward to giving interested students an insight into our work again next year!
Last year, the RUBION group Nanoscopy headed by Annika Haak successfully combined expansion microscopy and scanning ion conductance microscopy. Our microscopists used this method combination to investigate the growth cones of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. The results have been published in Biological Chemistry and are now publicly available at If you have any questions about this project or are considering incorporating scanning ion conductance microscopy or expansion microscopy into one of your projects and would like to use RUBION resources, please contact
Form September 21st to 23rd, the RUBION group Nanoscopy presented their research at the annual meeting of the German Physiological Society in Berlin. Heiko Leßlich and Annika Haak discussed the most recent results of their projects focussing on ‘Thyroid Hormone-Induced Expression of Na +/K+ -ATPase in Neural Cells Depends on Na+ Influx’ and ‘10x Cryo-Expansion Microscopy of Glial Cells’ during the meeting’s poster sessions and met great interest. The presented posters can now be found in the RUBION’s foyer on N I/T 05.
Within the framework of the Network Particle World, a guided tour through the accelerator laboratory will take place on November 9, 2023, between 13:00 - 14:00 pm.
If you are interested, please register in advance for this free event under Registration.
We are looking forward to your visit !
On September 14th and 19th the super-resolution microscopy facility at RUBION in cooperation with the faculty for chemistry and biochemistry participated in the Talenttage Ruhr 2023. 4 small groups of interested kids and adolescents got to learn about fluorescence microscopy and how this technique can be applied to visualize brain cells. Participants had the opportunity to capture their own micrographs of living brain cells. Furthermore, we showed the participants how 3D printed parts can be used to build a low-cost smartphone microscope. Are you also interested to learn more about microscopy at RUBION? Send an email with your inquiry to
We're off then ...
and treat our colleagues to a short break at the joint company outing. Therefore, RUBION can only be used to a limited extent on Friday, September 01, 2023.
The Radiation Safety Officer (SSB) of the respective department will regulate the operation during this time. Please coordinate the use of the laboratories accordingly.
In the issue of MRD No. 16/2023, Dr. Foteinou and Dr. Rogalla from RUBION present the possibilities for quantitative characterization of materials with ion beams at the Zentralen Einrichtung für Ionenstrahlen und Radionuklide (RUBION). See also MRD_16_2023
For more information about the MRD and their reports, please visit:
On tuesday we had the opportunity to show 13 high school students, who participates in the student project week organized by the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, around our microscopy labs. Our nanoscopy team showed the students how STED and SIC microscopes are constructed and what can be investigated with these microscopes. Among other things, we discussed resolution limits, cell skeletons, and fluorophores. We had a lot of fun giving an insight into our work and are already looking forward to next time!
The RUBION nanoscopy research group works on, among other things, correlated STED and ion scanning conductance microscopy. Their thoughts and expertise on the setup and application of such correlated microscopes can now be found in form of a chapter in the newly published Springer Analytical Reviewś book 'Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy' (Editor: Tilman Schäffer):
We congratulate our two RUBION team members:
# Mr. Heiko Leßlich (From the area: Molecular Biochemistry)
# Mr. Thilo Bißbort (From the area: Petrology & Geochemistry)
to their very good disputation presentations and thus to their successful PhD.
The whole RUBION team wishes you all the best for the future and is looking forward to further work together with you at RUBION.
Congratulations, Dr. Heiko Leßlich and Dr. Thilo Bißbort
In cooperation with the working group Electrobiochemistry of Neural Cells (Prof. Irmgard Dietzel-Meyer, Department of Biochemistry II) the working group Nanoscopy under the leadership of Heiko Leßlich has investigated methods for the optimization of primary cell cultures. Primary cell cultures from the rat brain represent an important model for basic research on nerve cells. Since a variety of different cell types exist in the brain, cell-cell interactions can complicate research. By adding substances that inhibit proliferation of certain cell types, cultures can be enriched with neurons. The effect of two cytostatic drugs on cell culture composition was evaluated using automated cell counting of micrographs. All study details and results can be found in the open access PLOS ONE publication ( For further information contact Heiko Leßlich (
Letter from the Rectorate of the RUB from February 03rd, 2022
The rectorate of the RUB happily agrees with the suggestions of the board of the members and the advisory board of RUBION regarding the positions of the director and deputy director of RUBION. For the following two years,
- Prof. Dr. Sumit Chakraborty is appointed as Director of RUBION
- Prof. Dr. Julia Bandow is appointed Deputy Director of RUBION
We are looking forward to working together and thank Prof. Dr. Chakraborty and Prof. Dr. Bandow to volunteer for the corresponding positions.
Arnd Apool, CEO
Since November 01, 2021 the first RUBION working group (WG) has its Twitter account (@NanoscopyRUBION) online.
We wish the WG NANOSCOPY much success and great tweets via this social media platform.
Further information about the AG NANOSCOPY and super-resolution microscopy, especially STED, SICM, and ExM can also be found at:
With deep sadness and dismay we have to say goodbye to our dear Patrick.
Patrick always motivated us with his helpfulness and curiosity to go new ways. With great thankfulness we think of the many beautiful and exciting moments we could share with him.You passed away much too early. You will always be remembered with many gratitudes.
The entire RUBION team would like to send our sincere condolences and deepest sympathy to his family, his close relatives and his circle of friends.
In silent mourning we say goodbye.
Additional links, Patrick Happel the scientist:
We congratulate our colleague Mrs. Astrid Gesper on her very good disputation lecture and thus on her successful PhD.
The whole RUBION team wishes her all the best for the future and a successful start into her professional life as Dr. Gesper :-)
After the successful installation of another beamline and an end station - ROBOT200 - in 2020 in the RUBION, Ion Beam Department, we and our partner, rubitec GmbH, will be able to offer ion implantation for different wafers up to a size of 200mm on this end station since the beginning of 2021. The handling of the wafers is fully automatic.
Contact: Arnd J. Apool
Ladies and gentlemen, defended users and guests of RUBION,
the corona crisis has the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) and thus also us in RUBION under control.
But there is also good news!
From 04 May 2020 we will reopen RUBION for you to give you the opportunity to resume your experiments or start new ones.
For this purpose the RUB has new regulations for a reduced operation mode. For the reopening and access to our facility, please contact our departments in advance.
Department RUBION-Ion beams (Building NT)
Department RUBION-Radionuclides (Building NI)
Furthermore, our colleagues are in home office and will be available for you via e-mail in the following days. You will find the e-mail addresses on our homepage.
With best regards
Your RUBION-Team
Ladies and gentlemen,
defended users and guests of RUBION,
the corona crisis has the Ruhr-Universität and thus also us in RUBION firmly under control.
Therefore we are unfortunately forced to suspend the student education until further notice and to close RUBION as described below!
The organisation in the RUBION area is organised as follows as of Wednesday 18 March 2020.
- The operation in our department RUBION radionuclides (building NI) will be suspended until further notice after consultation with the radiation protection officers (SSB). This means that the SSB's are not available on site, but only during on-call duty (e.g. animal husbandry/care) in order to continue to guarantee operation from a radiation protection point of view.
- The operation in our department RUBION-Ion beams (building NT) will be stopped after consultation with the SSB's. For the time being, we will only maintain the ion implantation in the area of commercial operations (RUBION / rubitec GmbH). This means that the SSB's are alternately available on site and on call in order to guarantee the operation from a radiation protection point of view.
Furthermore, our colleagues are in home office and will be available for you via e-mail in the following days. You will find the e-mail addresses on our homepage.
With best regards and stay healthy
Your RUBION Team
We introduce ourselves on Thursday, 30th June 2020 from 15:00 – 16:00 o'clock.
- We meet in the entrance hall of building NI/T, level 05.
- Web page of the RUB with additional information.
RUBION and its departments
A) „Ion beams" and "radionuclides“: A wide variety of scientists from different fields meet at the ion accelerators of RUBION to exploit the possibilities of ionizing radiation. The section "Ion Beams" will show the ion accelerators and its applications. The section "radio nuclides“ will introduce some instruments for the detection of ionizing radiation and show some experiments concerning ionizing radiation in every-day's life.
B) "Nanoscopy": As an alternative to the above offer, the RUBION-workgroup "Nanoscopy", which deals with high-resolution microscopy among other things, invites you to get to know our high-resolution scanning-ion-conductivity-microscope and our STED-microscope during a guided tour.
You can register here: Service
We introduce ourselves on Friday, 27th of March 2020 from 14:00 – 15:00 o'clock.
- We meet in the entrance hall of building NI/T, level 05.
- Web page of the RUB with additional information.
RUBION and its departments
A wide variety of scientists from different fields meet at the ion accelerators of RUBION to exploit the possibilities of ionizing radiation.
The section "Ion Beams" will show the ion accelerators and its applications.
The section "radio nuclides“ will introduce some instruments for the detection of ionizing radiation and show some experiments concerning ionizing radiation in every-day's life.
Central Unit RUBION: Directions
Due to PCB-remediation-measures in the offices of RUBION, we have received other space offices. You can find us here.
The removals will take place on two dates, August 28, 2019 and October 11, 2019. We apologize for any inconvenience and apologize for any inconvenience caused by the RUB / BLB.
We congratulate our colleague Mr. Philipp Hagemann for his very successful PhD defense.
In his disputation lecture he dealed with the topic: "Investigation of the potential of the combination of Stimulated-Emmisson-Depletion (STED) - and Scanning Ion Conductivity Microscopy (SICM) for correlated microscopy".
Congratulations, doctor :-)
As part of the current project week for school students in grades 8 and 9, RUBION will offer interested parties a guided tour of the accelerator facility at the Ruhr University Bochum in april 2019 .
We wish you a lot of fun and an eventful time.
Self Organized Scientific Work in the Study of Physics as part of the physics internship is currently taking place at RUBION in the summer semester 2019.
The block internship "Ion Beam Analysis" for students in the Master's Program in Physics in cooperation with the University of Paderborn (Prof. Dr. Lindner) was successfully carried out at RUBION, in February 2019.
The final lectures of the students will be held in April 2019 at the University of Paderborn.
As part of the JungChemikerForum about 20 participants visited the RUBION. The participants feedback on both workshops, "accelerator facility" and "super resolution microscopy" was very positive and the participants were pleased about the very interactive and discussion oriented event. In addition to short presentations and explanations there was the possibility to get to know some of our instruments and methods.
The RUBION team wishes all participants a good time and thanks for the interest.
Archaeometry as an interdisciplinary academic subject is active at several research sites in Bochum. The research day will bring together an insight into the wide range of research projects as well as the existing archaeometric-analytical competence and equipment and their possibilities for research projects.
The lecture series will be organized by the Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics of the RUB, the RUBION and the German Mining-Museum Bochum.
For further details please refer to our program.
The Group Nanoscopy (Patrick Happel) has succesfully applied for funding the project "Development of a Combined Stimulated Emission Depletion and Scanning Ion Conductance Microscope for Correlated Multi-Parameter Super-Resolution Live-Cell Imaging of the Tips of Processes of Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells" by the Dutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Project 411517989. The project will be conducted at the RUBION and the newly developed instrument will expand the instrument portfolio of RUBION.
As part of an excursion for the participants from the Jung Chemiker Forum we show what is possible in the central facility RUBION.
In addition to short presentations and explanations there is the possibility to get to know some of our instruments and methods.
Please register at:
Scientists from RUBION have developed a novel microscopy technique by combining stimulated emission depletion and scanning ion conductance microscopy (STED and SICM). The results have been published by the journal ACS Nano.
Additional information can be found in the official press release.
The DFG is funding since spring 2018 the development of a new technique to investigate the diffusion of hydrogen in glasses and melts. This project is a cooperation between the RUBION and the group of Prof. S. Chakraborty (geoscience, RUB) (BE 1307 5-1 and CH 166 20-1)
We inform all working group leaders and their employees, who are registered by us as users, about the new application procedure for experiment requests at the RUBION, without working in the RUBION will not be possible in the future.
The members meeting takes place on:
Thursday, May 17, 2018, 12:30 pm s.t. in the event center (VZ) of the RUB, room 3
In November 2017, Alumnus Dr. Lüken linked his profile in the alumni-directory of the RUB and thus automatically participated in a raffle that the alumni-service carried out: All alumni who signed up for the new alumni directory by mid of january could win several prizes.
Dr. Lüken was lucky: he won the first prize, an exclusive tour of the department RUBION ion beams. The entire RUBION team congratulates Dr. Lüken again and and wish him all the best for the future. continue ...
After a successful retrofit of a RUBION unit, we and our partner, the rubitec GmbH, are able to offer all implantations on 200mm-wafer since the beginning of the year. The handling of the wafers is currently done manually. Contact: Arnd J. Apool
Our new webpage is online. With this release, we will completely switch our user management to electronic data input. This means, that you will experience some changes in how to interact with us. We hope that this simplifies the communication process.
In the next member-/user meeting, we will introduce the new webpage in detail. Until then, this is release is also a test run: In case you find errors, be it a typo or a functional error, please get back to us.
We hope that you enjoy our new webpage,
the RUBION team
Congratulations to our colleague Priyadarshi "PD" Chowdhury to his very successful PhD thesis and defense!